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Dance With Me Page 16
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Page 16
“Keith, I’m pregnant.”
Standing at the foot of the large white sectional, he faced her with a blank look. Something all his sons copied with perfect accuracy.
She waited for him to react to her words, but he seemed to be frozen.
Thinking he may be having a stroke, she made a move toward him.
“Keith? Keith, did you hear me? Are you ok-“
“How far along are you?”
“Uhh… the doctor said about twelve weeks”
“Twelve weeks? That’s about-“
“Three months.”
The next few minutes were shockingly surprising.
Within minutes he had her upon her big bed in the downstairs guest room, on her back. Her blouse and bra ripped open, her panties and leggings balled up on the plush carpet.
With her legs spread wide over his big muscular shoulders, resting on her elbows, she openly watched him feast on his favorite pair of lips, his large hand caressed her lower abdomen, where their second love child safely lay.
This was similar to how she got pregnant the first time. After many years of successfully hiding her maddening attraction for a much older man, she had fed him her post-teen bald pussy on his parent’s dining table.
Four hours prior, his mother had served up dinner on her finest china.
Not long after that, the man was gorging himself on her twenty –year old succulent pussy, while her husband lay upstairs in a full-body cast from a motorcycle accident which claimed the life of his best friend a few months back.
His lust for her had him balls deep in the girl on that table, breeding her so hard, he left his dick print in her for eternity.
For that one night, they didn’t deny each other anything. The house was big, so their passionate moans were loud and echoing, luckily with no one else around to hear.
The next day, they had tried to pretend like nothing ever happened but couldn’t. For nineteen years, they'd hid their love for each other.
Now, after all these years, they were back to where they started.
Keith licked and suckled her sweet flesh until she begged him to stop.
Their lovemaking was sweet and slow at first, then hard and fast for the next hour.
Panting, they both collapsed on the bed.
“Does he know?”
“Both of them”, meaning his brother and their son. He suspected his brother knew about Nigel’s true paternity, but not about the new baby.
“No. not yet. I plan to tell Nigel when he gets back”
“And I don’t care if Harold knows or does not know. Besides, I don’t want to talk about that right now”
“You do realize that is why he hurt you all the time, right?”
She didn’t respond. Instead, she got up on her haunches and licked his dick all over, successfully distracting him from the matter at hand.
Two nights before heading to Chicago…..
A quick rap of knuckles against her front door startled her from her meditation.
Debbie who sat Indian style on the carpeted floor rose to her feet, opened the door and almost died on the spot.
There stood Nigel Swayne, silent as always, cool, calm and collected. Debbie stared back silently, not knowing what to say.
What does one say to one’s husband after chasing them out on the morning after y'all had wild, nasty jungle fever sex? She wondered as he stepped into the apartment.
"Hi," she said shortly.
"Hi" he replied just as shortly. "How are you?” he asked
"I'm fine, thank you. And you? How you doing'?
They exchanged pleasantries and small talk like robots. For every question she asked, he automatically replied. With every replied answer she cringed a little to hear the hidden barbs aimed at her.
Debbie was so not ready for the confrontation that she knew was coming.
She, however, was even more unprepared for what happened next.
Kidadha rushed from her room all primped and poised, she squealed excitedly when she spotted Nigel.
Debbie's world came crashing down around her as she heard a sound in her head very much like a nasty pile up on the freeway- the sudden screeching of tires as they swerved from side to side, sliding uncontrollably on the tar strip, the bashing sound of metal on metal, the helpless and pain-filled screams of the hanging-on-to-dear-life-by-a -thread survivors trapped in the mangled tin cans-as her sister jumped into his arms and planted a very wet kiss on his lips.
Debbie turned around and quickly walked away before the couple broke apart from the embrace.
Nigel had seemed as surprised as she did but he didn't push her away. And why should he push her away?
They were still dating, after all, weren't they?
Oh Lord, how could I be so stupid? She thought sadly. Being intimate with your sister’s lover was never something Debbie ever wanted to be known for.
Being married to him was even worse.
Though their relationship was on a rocky road at the moment, she still loved her sister dearly.
Oh, how she desperately wished that she had refused Nigel into her room that night three months ago in Vegas.
She wouldn’t have been in this situation if she had. As Kiki fussed over Nigel, Debbie thought he looked very uncomfortable with the women he’s slept with standing there.
Guilt was riding hard on him that day.
Debbie didn’t stand around to watch them make out in the hallway.
Instead, she mumbled goodbye to her sister and rushed to her room to cry, the blue stick with the faded double pink lines stashed deep in the bottom of the bathroom bin.
The noise of multiple sets of cutlery being used, mumbled conversations and low lights in the restaurant was starting to make Nigel nervous, being here with Kiki.
She had called him up about a week ago to set this date up, which he’d agreed to.
Now, however, he was regretting his decision.
They had been sitting at their candlelit table for about an hour now, exchanging small talk that wasn’t going anywhere and now he was tired of it.
Calico’s use to be their spot for romantic dates on Thursday nights for the few months that they dated almost a year ago.
Since it was a Thursday night and they were now at Calico’s and were no longer dating, he knew that they were here for more than just a casual talk.
“Hmm?” She continued eating.
“Kidadha…why are we here?
“Girl… stop playing games. Why’d you ask me to come here tonight?”
Kiki placed her fork down and leaned back in her chair, giving him a dazzling white smile.
“What, honey? We’re here to have dinner and just talk” she shrugged her shoulders at him.
An annoying trait of hers that irritated him a bit. However, the “honey” part just grated on his nerves.
“What is it that you want, Kidadha?”
“Well…I want us to talk about ourselves. You and me. And our relationship.”
Relationship?! When did they get back into a relationship? Last he knew she’d broken it off with him after accusing him of cheating after one month of dating and now here she sat, talking about “our relationship?”
At his raised eyebrows and shocked look, she rushed on to explain.
“Look, Nigel…I realized that I was wrong. About you. Wrong about us. ”
“You were wrong?” he asked sarcastically
“Yes. I was. For accusing you of cheating on me that first month of us dating and being emotionally crippled. I didn’t understand you and your complicated relationship issues at the time.
But I now know that with you, once you love someone, it’s now and forever. And I would like you to forgive me and say you will give me another chance. Please?”
It’s strange, he thought as he sat back in his sit, how he t
hought he could substitute one sister for another just because he couldn’t be with the one that he longed for. Yet low and behold, the strangest thing had occurred.
“You do realize it’s been eight months since we broke up, right?
“Yes I do and I know what you’re thinking.”
“You do?”
“Yes. You’re thinking why did I take so long to come back to you?”
“That’s not what I’m thinking. What I'm thinking is why are you wasting my time doing this right now?
“It’s because I love you, Nigel and I know you love me too”
He chuckled to himself as he recalled the events of the last ten months. If someone had told him that he would have become a multi-millionaire at the age of eighteen, he would have laughed his head off and prayed that God would forgive that person for such a lie.
Yet it so happened that while he sat in jail for a murder that he didn’t commit, his millions were growing rapidly.
Shortly after he’d gotten out, his mother had filed for divorce from the scum that she married and was moving on with her life, though he did notice that she was gaining a little weight ‘round the waist.
His debt to society was completely paid off, he was in his final weeks of college, ready to take on the world and the woman he truly loved was his lock, stalk, and barrel, though she pretended more often than not, that she wasn’t.
Now the woman who’d dumped him all because he was honest with her by telling her that he was in love with someone was begging him for a second chance.
He’d never even slept with her once.
It was true. The strangest shit did happen to unlucky men.
Nigel sat up even straighter and proceeded to tell Ms. Presumptuous what he thought of her proposal.
And I would like you to forgive me and say you will give me another chance. Please?”
“Kiki, you and I know that you don’t love me.-“
“But I can learn-“
“And I don’t love you. I never have and I never will. We don’t belong together and you know it. You are meant for someone who can love you unconditionally and I do deserve the same.
So please, don’t try to convince yourself to settle for something less because of money and status”
The guilty look on her face spoke volumes.
Apparently, his financial status was well known to her.
“I can’t believe you! I take my time to make myself beautiful for you, and you do this to me?!” she was becoming hysterical.
“Please don’t raise your voice at me, Kiki.”
It’s strange, he thought as he sat back in his sit, how he thought he could substitute one sister for another just because he couldn’t be with the one that he longed for, now he had neither one.
It was true. The strangest shit did happen to him.
“And, just to be clear, you were not wrong.”
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?”
“I said you were not wrong. I did cheat on you, just not physically. It was emotional.”
“Okayyy” She did seemed shocked.
“It's true. I have been in love with someone long before you and I hooked up. I never wanted to hurt you at all.”
“Do I know her? Is she one of the girls at school?”
“That’s none of your business
“Does she know about me? About us? Is she why you won’t give us another chance?”
“There is no us. But she does know about you. However...”
“She doesn’t …she’s kinda involved with someone else”
“Kinda involved? Sounds like you’re getting tit for tat if you ask me.”
“Don’t be bitchy, Kiki. It does not look good on you. And no one asked you.
Besides, she belongs to me.
Although she believes she needs to sacrifice her happiness for those she loves, something you know nothing about.”
“Again, I never meant to hurt you”
“Oh. Okay. I hear you but do you know you how this fucking makes me feel?” the anger in her voice was obvious.
“As a matter of fact, I do. More than you’ll ever know. I wouldn’t wish this feeling on my worst enemy. Instead, I’m feeling it for him.
The woman that I love adamantly denies my feelings for her and hers for me all because of prior commitments.”
“Oh wow” she laid the sarcasm heavy on that one
They sat in awkward silence
“I want you to find your true love like I found mine, Hun.
He is out there. Never settle for less.”
She kissed her teeth. ”At least I fucking tried to get you back. If you love this girl so damn much, why did give her up?”
“Whoever said I did? I will never give her up”
“Good luck. You’ll need it.” more sarcasm
After that, they went their separate ways.
Driving home, Nigel could only think about what his next move would be to get his woman back.
Some men do some crazy shit when they’re in love.
“Hey Eric”
“Debbie?. Is that you? Why are you calling on an unknown number?”
“No Reason. Listen, Eric. Erm...I don’t know how to say this but I want to break up.”
The silence that followed Debbie’s announcement was like glass shattering into millions of shards in his heart.
“What. The Fu-“
“I know this may come as a shock to you, but it was a long time coming. Five years to be exact.
“You Bitch! After all the money I’ve spent on you and this fucking wedding?-“
“I’m in love with someone else. And I know there is someone out there who loves you unconditionally.”
“What the fuck are you talking about? What the fuck am I supposed to do now-“
“Don’t be an ass when the time comes and grab your price. Believe me, she is worth it.
The busy tone was all Eric heard before he could make heads or tails of being dumped via cellphone.
“Hey, girlfriend. Long time no see”
“Bitch, please. It has been six weeks since I left for Hong Kong. I’m back now so what going on?” Makita pushed on the opened door of Debbie’s apartment and made herself at home on the couch.
“Did you speak to Eric while I was away?”
“Not face to face, but I will have to very soon”
“Why is that?”
“Because ….I’m five months pregnant”
Makita stared at Debbie in a dumbfounded manner
“Have you told him?”
“Who, Eric?” Kita made a rude sound in her throat.
“No, bitch! Nigel! Your baby daddy!”
“How the fuck do you know that?!”
“Girl, please. You practically conceived that fetus on my car door the day we met him at the garage. Then again, with what you told me about Vegas, I figured Baby Swayne would show up soon.”
Kita laughed at her antics
“So when are you going to tell him about the baby?”
Debbie looked her dead in the eye and said: “About the same time you tell Eric you want to fuck his brains out.”
Makita’s heart stopped, stuttered and began beating frantically all at once.
“Cat got your tongue?” Debbie taunted her.
“What? Girl…girl you crazy,” she said nervously.
“Not as crazy as you are, for lying to me all these years”
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Oh really? So you didn’t know that Eric was fucking all those sluts back when we were in College? Including his ex, Katie?
Or that he continued to cheat on me even after he proposed?
“Or that you just didn’t think that I would have found o
ut that you have been in love with his lying ass since high school, hmm?”
Makita began to sob uncontrollably.
“I found your secret diary under your bed when we moved out of our sorority house.
“Debs…I’m sorry. Please. Don’t hate me. I love you so much”
“And I love you. I have always loved you. I love you like my blood sister. I have been waiting for a long time for you to tell me and you never did.
I realized after I broke Nigel’s heart, the man who truly loves me that the things I thought were important are not.
Not when it comes to true love. I tried to deny myself
Nigel’s love, because I thought he was too young for me and I was holding on tight to the illusion of a happy life with Eric to care that I never did love him at all. Why do you think I never slept with him?”
“That is not important. What is important is what are you going to do to get your man before he runs into another skank? And what flavor of ice cream are you gonna get your God-child as payment?”
That afternoon, after Makita cried her eyes out, they went out to get Debbie her ice cream.
The baby had a mighty craving for some Haagen Daz ice cream in the corner store not too far from her house. The quiet happy moment went from 0-100 real fast when Eric spotted them.
Eric loudly demanded to know why she broke up with him in public. Debbie then flat out told him she was pregnant for someone else. Eric lost his mind and called her all sorts of names.
Kita had tried to not get involved but Eric was being an ass and she blew upon him, giving him a piece of her mind.
She grabbed Debbie's hand and pulled her out of the store. Debbie calmly turned around before she was pulled out the door, reminding him of what she said on the phone.
Tock, tock, tock
Thump, thump, thump
"Debbie open up! It's me, Eric"
"Debbie, we’ve got to talk babe."
More silence.
Babe, I’m so sorry for the way I acted back there and I want to ask you to forgive me."