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Page 8
Nor could Debbie deny that she was going crazy with the unwanted feelings bubbling up inside her every time the kid gave her that strange calculating look– why was he always looking at her like that?
Like he wanted to throw her down onto the nearest flat surface and stuff her full with his anaconda.
He was an eighteen-year-old, so he was constantly hard.
Practicing their steps for a good solid two hours or more, they would pull apart when one or both would realize the compromising situation they were in, trying to hide their obvious straining or hardened body parts.
Not too long after, Debbie stopped having nightmares about her dad but started having wet dreams about Nigel and her.
Always, in her dreams, sweat would be covering their respective bodies in certain places that led the eye to stray to.
He was always shirtless, muscles bulging, pecks and abs all slippery and defined.
Looking so good she would instantly wet her panty shield with her nectar, just thinking of that body hovering over her as he slid deep inside her clenching…
What nearly set her off one day was when reality and her dream world mixed up.
They had been all alone practicing a few new steps for the upcoming show for Thanks-giving showcase, when suddenly, from out of nowhere, something weird and expected happened.
Maybe it was the atmosphere or the setting for the act. It could have been the lighting or the song or maybe…because it was almost her time of the month, her traitorous body responded to the soft caresses Nigel’s hand's created whenever and wherever they touched.
It could also have been her sweat pants was riding too low off her ass, showing off the top of her round ass cheeks split down the middle by a black lacy thong or the bullet-shaped head of his member that had slipped past the waistband of his sweat pants.
But somehow, someway, while they were practicing part of their routine, with her back to his chest, her crack was lined up perfectly with his exposed gland, that when she bent over and he mimicked her, his dick head pushed up into her thong covered crack to be tucked snugly between the two fleshy globes, against her virgin ass ring.
She hadn’t realized that she had unknowingly been all over the boy, sending him the wrong idea, they’d almost kissed for real instead of faking it as was part of the performance.
Till he was practically ass fucking her through her thong.
This was not part of the show.
Instead of straightening himself and pulling away from her when she gasped, he’d pressed himself harder against her, the slick head pushing hard against the resisting flesh.
She’d roughly pulled away from him to walk off the frustration, pacing across the room while she upbraided her own hide.
Oh hell no!
This was so not happening. Not now, not ever! She knew what had happened was unplanned and occurred by mistake.
But being also ass fucked by her teenage dance partner in their place of work was not what she signed up for.
“What’s the matter?” he’d asked when she’d pulled away.
He’d stood there staring at her with hungry eyes.
“Uhm…just a sec.” she had said, buying herself some time.
She had reprimanded her slutty self the last time she let something like this happen.
And look where it got her, engaged and performing oral sex on her future husband to keep him at bay and still interested.
However, this was different.
Thuga Boo was so not doing this to her. Got to find something’ to kill this …Thang that was starting in her panties, she thought angrily to herself.
She’d stopped pacing but her mind was still going a mile a minute. But what can I do? What should I use? Friendship or feigned dislike?
Since that night she went to his house and they’d talked, the hostility between them had melted down to zilch. Feigning it now would be too exhausting….
Besides, he was just a kid. He should not be thought of in that kind of manner.
She was no pedophile, a monster most vile, a molester of young kids.
Never mind he was a kid with a huge…Her eyes strayed to his pelvic area, where she’d noticed the longer she’d stared, the bigger his bulge got.
Good Lord!!
Her eyes had widened and flew to his face as she’d gasped in sexual fear.
His gaze had darkened, his full lips parted to suck in some air, betraying his thickening arousal that she felt weak in the knees.
Now here she was trying to convince herself that pushing him away would stop her from lusting after this poor man-boy and his, ….mountain-sized penis.
The incident had occurred about a week ago.
Oh… oh Gosh no!, thinking to herself.
She needed to kill this…. Whatever it was and fast before she jumped his bones, friend or no friend.
Light bulb moment.
There it is! Friendship! Ain’t nothing’ like the good old word friend associated with any guy that kills attraction faster than pesticide kills weeds.
Sucking in as much air and false courage as she could bluff out of anything with, Debbie used the skill of friend zoning she’d harnessed back in high school and finessed in college, plastering a nonchalance grin on her face.
She cocked her head a little to the side in avid curiosity, he raised a brow in question.
The pensive look reminded her of a feral cat, she decided with a wide friendly smile; a massive feline with beautiful features to match.
Or, if she looked closer, a huge beast with the face of a lion and the coloring of a black panther.
A panther with a huge dick, who’d pin its mate down and fuck the daylights out her furry ass.
That's fucked up.
The image of the two rutting cats took root in her brain, Debbie had frantically thought of a way to accomplish her newfound goal which in turn brought them here, to this time and place.
For some odd reason, she now thought of him as her …..Nope, can't think of him as a brother, unless you mean a brother, but then that would be low key racist ….
But she no longer thought of him as a threat to her person than he was to her hymen.
She even teased him like an older sister would tease her baby brother; unmercifully.
They had started hanging out together like siblings or friends would and everything.
Wow, she thought. She had come a long way. And she was quite happy about it too.
If only she could stop, like low key fantasy fucking him whenever they were together.
“No ma’am.” his response broke through her thoughts.
“Good. This is great! Now I will know what’s touchy with you and what’s not.”
He figured what she said was true. It’s just…”
“What? You can tell me. Nothing you say to me will leave this park. You didn’t have a problem when I asked you about your mom and you. You spilled your innards like a gutted pig” She paused for momentum. “Unless it is ridiculously funny. Then I will share it with the entire Facebook universe.” She smirked.
He knew that she was lying. Nothing he said would leave their newfound circle of trust. He had trusted her with part of his life story but not all of it.
She’d pestered him for a good number of days, he had finally given in to some of her questions because of the splitting headaches he got just listening to her ask the same questions over and over again.
He’d told her the real reason for spending time in jail, that he was defending his and his mother’s life from his father’s fists.
She had cried and without conscious thought flung her arms around him and pulled him into a very tight, very comforting hug.
She might hate him if she knew how far into the dark side his life had been led. Yet, he was willing to share as little as possible, if she was.
There were, of course, a few things he would love to know about her. Like did she have a man
or something…?
“Alright, fine.” Sigh,” I don’t... have a girlfriend right now.” She gave the pa-lease look that every female gives every male they think is lying to them. “It’s true. My last girl was four years ago.”
“Okay. Alright. I believe- "
“But I did have some fun with an older woman a few weeks ago” he blurted out.
“Oh! Kay!"
"Her name's Mrs. Anderson."
"She's one fiesty lady. Insatiable."
"T! M! I! Way too much info!” She shouted, embarrassed that he would say such a thing out loud to her. And a little bit jealous. Her plan was going way too well.
“Oh really? And what about you little miss TMI? Do you have a man hidden somewhere?” Nigel held his breath, praying very hard that she did not.
Again, she gave him the pa-lease look but with a different meaning “Of course, I’ve got a man. Do I look like I don’t have a man, or I need one?”
Of course, she would have a man, a woman of her unique beauty and brains would have to be dead six months for her not to.
It was hard enough that he was seriously attracted to her physically and intellectually from the start of their rocky relationship and was doing everything he could to never let her find out for now, but to have to face the fact that he could never have her, was even worse.
He laughed to cover up his disappointment and shook his head yes in response.” Yeah, you do look like you need one”
She punched him playfully on his forearm.
“Ouch! That hurt! I think you broke my arm!” he pouted for her benefit.
“Nigga, please. How could little old me break any of your abnormally huge limbs?”
“I don’t know” he shrugged” maybe with your abnormally huge ass.”
She gasped in outrage and punched him even harder even as he tried to sidestep the hit. He laughed at her attempt to hurt him. After his laughter died down, he got back to their business at hand.
“Yes, I do have a man. He is my fiancé.’”
Time to man the battle stations. “Really? What’s he like?” he wasn’t that interested in the guy but hey it never hurts to know your opponent.
“He is a great guy, loving, generous, caring…” Nigel was having a hard time stomaching all these godlike praises being hipped onto this nameless, faceless guy. “…An only child, heir to the family business...” the more Nigel heard about this guy the more he wanted to smash his face in. “Uh-huh.”
His sarcasm was noted and rewarded with a glare tossed his way.
“It’s all true. We’ve been engaged for the last four years. And before you ask, I’m the one who didn’t want to have the deal done yet.
But now that my sister is settled in at college, in the next eight months, I will be Mrs. Eric Jackson.” She was practically glowing with pride. He wanted to throw up.
“Yeah?” His disappointed tone of voice did not register with his companion.
“So, when’s the wedding?”
“November 16th. Next year, Godwilling. Oh, I have so much to plan and complete before then.”
“Oh. Okay” Her obvious delight was painfully nauseating.
“And now, I’m officially inviting you to my wedding.”
“Uhm, thanks. But I don’t-” Well, this was depressing.
“But first, we need to get you a date.”
“What?” What was she saying? When had this become about him?
“You heard me. We need to find your date before then.”
“Uhm, okay. Look, I can find my own date- “
But who?” A look of intense concentration settled on her face.
“Debs, I don’t think- “
“That’s it!” she jumped up and clasped her hands together like she was about to pray. “Kiki!”
“Huh?” confusion followed her announcement. What in the hell was a Kiki?
She understood his questioning stare. “Kiki. Kidadha. My baby sister. She goes to the same school as you.” She said for further clarification.
He’d told her earlier of his choice of school and that he was completing his final year at DeVry University.
A blank look was all she got for the sacrificial sheep’s name. “You may have met her there.”
“Uhh, Debbie?”
“She could be your date. She could be your girlfriend!”
“What the f-? Look, Deborah, I appreciate your invitation to your wedding. I even appreciate your in-depth concern for my dateless status, but please, just stop. “
Okay. She was way out of line and should have known better but hey, it never hurt to try.
“I know, Nigel. And I’m sorry.”
“Good, thank you.” Good to know he’d finally had the last word on the topic.
“But, one friend to the next, I’m just trying to help.” Here was an opportunity to ensure that their friendship did progress into the future. Her plan did work and would continue to work if they stuck to their roles in this crazy play.
Oh, for Christ’s sake.
For all that he was angry she was interfering where she shouldn’t, he could not ignore her generosity and caring spirit. And like any silly fool would do, he folded like a house of cards.
Three days later, Nigel realized that he felt more than just plain old lust for Debbie and that there was truly nothing he could do about it.
He had been invited to a double date with Debbie, Eric: Debbie’s douche bag of a fiancé and her kid sister, Kidadha; a beautiful plumper version of Deborah, down to the silver flecks in her light Hazel eyes.
He’d seen her in the last few weeks he spent at the college finishing up his semester.
Taking extra classes to make up more credits, he’d bumped into her in a few of his. She gave him the once over when they were officially introduced and hardly paid attention to him during the movie.
Not that it mattered much to him at one point, since his attention was caught by the other couple.
They made goo-goo eyes at each other and love sounds that were nauseating enough without the added setting and music provided by the restaurant.
Other couples were staring at them, the women with envy in their eyes while the men looked on with annoyance.
True, Eric was most attentive and shared his meal with his fiancée' yet there was something about him that just kept bothering Nigel.
Not that he cared much. Especially when he took sneak peeks at other women's ass when Debbie was not looking.
Debbie was making a spectacle of herself with Eric and he refused to acknowledge his anger towards her for not doing any of that with him whenever they were alone together.
He knew it was just ridiculous thinking that way, but what was he to do to rectify the issue?
So, he turned his attention to his “date” who so happen to be regarding the other couple with pure disgust.
It took Nigel close to an hour to develop a slight liking to Kiki's hood attitude when he realized she was just putting up a front for her sister’s benefit.
Anytime he asked her about herself, she'd say something ratchet-like, of course earning a frosty look from Debbie which she would return.
So anytime she said something to annoy him, he would simply laugh it off.
Kiki quickly caught on that he knew what she was doing and dropped the act altogether.
From then on, they became a little more comfortable with each other and tried hard to ignore the other couple as they got to know each other.
It was too painful to keep watching the woman of his heart fawning over another nigga, so up close and personal.
The night ended in a round of laughter from both couples where numbers were exchanged between the younger set and first-time good night kisses were shared, awkwardly.
It hadn't taken Nigel very long before he realized just how much like Debbie, Kidadha was. The way she smiled, talked, moved her hands around whenever she spoke...but he didn’t
want the substitute.
He knew he was comparing one sister to another, which was wrong. Yet he couldn't deny himself the fact that if he couldn't have the original, he could try the younger copy.
Soon he and Kiki were seen everywhere together and made thanksgiving their day for officially becoming a couple. True, they hadn't slept together as yet, but they did decide to consummate their relationship on New Year's Day if he couldn’t find some way to avoid it.
A month into their relationship, Debbie was the happiest person alive.
She could pretend that she was not lusting after Nigel without focusing on how hard it was becoming not to.
After winning three competitions in a row with him as her partner, she would be in her first regional dance competition vying for first place, her fiancé' was as loving and caring as ever, the wedding was back on schedule, right down to the rice throwing.
And thanks to her, her sister had a steady boyfriend and she finally lost those five pounds she had been trying desperately to get rid of for almost a year.
Life for Debbie was perfect.
Seventeen nights before the dance competition, Debbie and Nigel went out with the rest of their classmates out to a club so that he could see dance in motion, all Jaime's idea.
They went to a little club off in Jamaica, New York called the Jumping Bean which catered to a large diversity of Caribbean nationals and any other nationality they could adopt as their own.
The music of different genres and cultures rocked throughout the night, bringing out the hard partygoers and the occasional party- poopers.
The soft beats of R&B, Reggae, Country tunes, and Calypso meshed with the jumping beats of sultry Dub, Dance Hall tunes, hard Rock n' Roll, fast and groovy Soca and Debbie's all-time favorite, Afro beats.
However, after four hours of hard-partying and some wild drinking with friends, Vybz Kartel’s uncensored version of “Fever” came pumping through the speakers of the club, Nigel's lust for the woman grinding her pelvis so hard against his in her little sexy outfit and towering high heel boots, overrode his senses.