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Dance With Me Page 9

  He felt like she was trying to dry hump him good and hard right here on the dance floor and he desperately wanted her to.

  If he only knew how close he was to know the truth, he may have either fainted dead away in instant joy or stripped her right there in the packed club and stuffed her full with his pre-cum slick dick.

  The blood-engorged member was trapped against his left thigh in the leg of his pants. The large, swollen, bulbous head stuck out way past the seams of his boxer briefs.

  Debbie, a whole lot tipsy and lost in the words of the song, in the arms of the man holding her so close- there was barely any space between them for even a gnat to pass through -swayed in Nigel's arms in time with the sensual music, bumping and grinding her lush hips so erotically against the rapidly rising erection in his long-legged jeans.

  Her naturally long lashes fanned her high cheekbones, lips- wet and full from the constant swiping of her pink tongue against them- parted on a soft moan as the man followed her every assault against his vulnerable body.

  Nigel, his body hard and wanting, watched her beneath his long lashes.

  Her small pink bow mouth enticed him to lean in close and steal a kiss from the soft petals of her lips.

  That's exactly what he did.

  Slowly he angled his head, his full wide lips drawing closer and closer to hers, till he was at the right spot.

  Unaware of the sensual danger she was in, Debbie had just taken a deep breath through her lips when Nigel's soft lips settled gently on hers.

  He kissed her slowly, softly and sensually. Enough to awaken the sleeping wanton woman within her.

  Judging from her reactions- soft, hot moaning sounds and her pelvis grinding even faster into his- he knew she was aroused and wanting, just like him.

  Without another thought, he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue between her teeth to duel with her own.

  She gasped from the warm contact but didn't push him away.

  Lost so far into the song erotic words, she sucked on his tongue good and hard, kissing him back with all the passion that suddenly came upon her.

  This encouraged him to slip his hands under her short shirt to grab her ass cheeks and pressing her fully against his hardness, growling pleasurably.

  At first, Debbie thought that it was Eric who was kissing her with such unchecked passion.

  Yet through her lashes, her eyes took in Nigel’s strong features.

  For whatever reason it was, she became super turned on by the fact that it was Nigel, not Eric making her feel this way.

  The ultra-thin panty shield on the crotch of her sheer lace thong was soaked through as Nigel's tongue plunged deeper and deeper into her mouth like a stiffened prick.

  His full lips, moving so sweetly against hers were setting her blood ablaze, confusing her brain even more.

  Strong arms closed tightly around her, drawing her fully against his hardness.

  Mercy!! Could the boy kiss!

  Debbie was a woman who judged a man's rising passion by his first hungry kiss and reveled in the feelings that came with it.

  The fact that the man holding her and kissing her was only eighteen years old and that she was engaged to be married didn't register to her, not until he became Mr. Many Hands, the octopus he oh so casually slipped a finger under her black booty-short panties into her moist folds from behind, with his hands her deep under her skirt.

  That broke the spell his mouth had her under.

  With a rush of adrenaline, she shoved him away angrily, glaring murder at him when the little fucker sucked her juices off his finger.

  She pushed her way past the packed bodies on the dance floor and headed out the front door of the club without a backward glance.

  Nigel, who was breathing heavily, his arteries pumping blood too fast for his heart to handle at once, pushed past the exits of the club and did a short sprint down the block after the rapidly walking minx in six-inch heels.

  He could have sunk to his knees and sobbed like a baby from the loss of contact with Debbie when he caught up with her and stopped her in her tracks.

  His veins felt like they were swollen with too much blood, his erection struggling to rip his jeans apart and spring out. “Debbie...wait. I-" he panted as he bent over in front of her trying to catch his breath.

  She simply walked around him and continued her way.

  He sprinted after her once more to stop her from going any further "Debbie...Please wait".

  She just stepped around him once more and matched on.

  The third time of this cat and mouse game, he'd finally caught his breath.

  He'd considered letting her walk off to cool down a bit -with him following her at a slower pace to ensure that she arrived at her house safe and sound.

  Yeah right.

  Like that would be the only reason he'd follow her home.

  Instead, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to an abrupt stop.

  She'd felt the passion rushing through him as it was still rushing through her veins.

  Had felt it when his hard length was pressed so fully against her, had made her crazily want to feel that mighty length and breadth sliding deep into her, making her squirm, moan and scream from the pleasure and pain she was almost sure would accommodate his size.

  What held her back were the obvious facts:

  A) Nigel was a kid, a boy of only eighteen and her kid sister's boyfriend. Who, not too long ago was trying to finger fuck her. Publicly.

  B) She was a grown woman and too old of a cat to pity fuck a kitten no matter hem- ...Big he may seem.

  C) She was engaged to be married by November of next year to the man of her dreams.

  D) And... He was just a child. A very tall, heavily muscular kid with a huge – a child none the less! -Who just happens to be her sister's man?

  Time to be an adult and set this upstart on his fine ass...argh!

  Behind! His fine behind! Shit!!

  On his derriere.

  Seething like a wet cat, she rounded on him, cannons blazing and asked," What in the hell were you thinking you were doing touching me like that?!” Her arms akimbo.

  “Kissing me like that?!”

  "Debbie....I-" Jesus! This woman was a drug to his hormones. But right now, she looked like an avenging angel for death. Even sexier.

  “Do you have any idea what you have done or what your actions can lead to?! Hmm?!”

  “Look, Deb…”

  “Don’t you dare ‘look Debbie me’, young man!”

  “Do you think this a damn game?! You're-” she indicated wildly in his direction, “my teen sister's boyfriend. You know the one I set you up with not too long ago?

  How could you do this to her? And, to make matters worse, I’m a grown woman who is engaged to be married next year.

  Engaged. To. Be. Married!

  What if one of my fiancé’s friends or Kiki's friends were up in that club and saw you mauling me like that, out on the open dance floor?!” shrieked at him in such a patronizing voice, she sounded just like his former kindergarten teacher Ms. Peach, whenever she scolded him in front of his classmates years ago.

  Why was his lust for older women rearing its fugly head at that moment?

  Not being able to tell the woman he has lusted over from the beginning of time the truth, was frustrating Nigel to the point of madness.

  Nigel took a deep breath and did what he did best, whenever he was around this woman to protect himself.

  Seeing the blank look, he was famous for, settle quickly on his face, she looked like she wanted desperately to kick him in his gonads.

  "Debbie...I'm sorry.” He rushed on to say. “I never meant any disrespect or nothing’”

  “Oh Really? Nigel, Really? For some odd reason, I don't believe you. “

  “Yeah …Well-”

  “Besides, you don’t go around kissing and groping older women in such a disrespectful manner without their consent, Nigel!

  Good Lord, she made it
sound like he had been feeling up his grandmother.

  Yuck!! He liked his women older, just not that old…..unless they were fine as hell and in desperate need of a good dicking down.

  Like Mrs. Peters, who happened to be the mother of one of his past classmates in high school?

  Devon was mighty pissed off to see his 42-year-old quite, church-going mother, butt naked riding his blessed, between the legs, 15-year-old football teammate, screaming her head off she was cumming for the entire neighborhood to know she was being pleasured beyond compare.

  His big hands had been sunk into the fleshy ass cheeks of the older woman bouncing her up and down his meat pole like a ragdoll, the pleasure was cum worthy.

  Debbie’s angry voice brought him back to the present.

  “I’m only going to say this once and only once to you boy. You ever lay your hands, lips or any part of your body on me again and it’s not part of the performance act, I will cut it off and stuff it down your throat!!!

  Lord this woman was one prickly rose bush, was the thought that ran through Nigel's mind.

  Breasts heavy and heaving from frustration and anger, Debbie walked away and headed straight home with a silent, trailing, somewhat shamed-faced Nigel shadowing her move on the dark street.

  By the time she arrived at her building, her head and feet ached something terrible.

  She opened her apartment door, walked in and slammed it shut in his face.

  Leaning against its frame for support, she didn't know how long she stood there before she heard his softly spoken “Goodnight” came filtering through the wooden panels as he walked away from the door.


  The very next day at practice, Nigel apologized most gracefully with a large bouquet of white roses.

  Though Debbie said she forgave him and accepted the roses, that didn't mean that she forgot the incident, as much as she desperately wanted to. But life goes on...


  One week before the competition…

  "OK. So, let's start from the top..."

  The soundtrack "lover boy” from the movie filled the studio. Nigel strolled from behind the counter where the stereo system was hidden and planted himself directly in front of her.

  Their eyes locked, he swept her low, grinding into her. Then slow and oh so seductively, their bodies followed the beat of the music, Kompa style.

  Her hands were slack at her side, but waistline rolled sensuously to his every deep bump and grind. They twisted and turned.

  When Mickey asked Sylvia “how do you call your loverboy?" Debbie twirled away from him, leaving him staring after her with glazed eyes as she enticed him by lightly touching herself in certain tempting places like the sides of her full breasts, wrapping her arms around her bared waistline and back up again all the while, shaking her wide hips.

  Like the big cat, he resembled he stalked her every move with impressive moves of his own.

  He caught up with her in the middle of the studio and simply dry humped her as they swayed and dipped to the high pitch of the music.

  "Well isn't this cozy?"

  The full sarcastic baritone of Eric Jackson shattered the hot scene those two were so wrapped up in. They sprang apart like two humping cats splashed with ice-cold water and walked off in different directions.

  "Eric!" Debbie exclaimed loudly as she came towards him. "Baby, you never told me you were coming over. I was not expecting you."

  "Obviously" Eric stated as he glared at the back of the nigga who was just pawing his woman, walk away and go around the reception desk and shut the music off.

  "Excuse me?" Debbie’s question pulled his attention from this punk.

  "What I meant was, I called your house earlier and Kiki said that you two were over here, all alone so I came to pick you up to take you out to dinner.

  The damn punk was now watching them, his face expressionless.

  “Oh,” Debbie stated, clearly confused.

  "Yep." He was so bloody pissed.

  "Well ...”

  "You two done dry humping?"

  "What?” She gave him another sharp stare.



  "I think you should get your coat so we can make our reservations."

  Debbie seemingly came out of her trance and quickly made for the coat closet then the back bathroom, leaving the two alpha males to fend for themselves.

  Eric knew a player whenever he saw one.

  He would know, he was one. Too bad, this player was not going to mess up his game. He'd been working too long and hard, investing time and money, trying to nail down that piece of ass.

  Time to stake his claim. He walked towards the reception desk. The kid saw him coming; he rounded the desk and braced himself for the confrontation.

  "What's up, young blood? You cool nigga?"

  "I'm cool, old man."

  Eric let that one pass and closed in for the kill. “Uh, what's...what's going on up in here, nigga?” he pointed willy nilly at the room at large with one hand, the other at his side, akimbo style.

  “Looks like y'all were all close and comfortable back there. Shouldn’t you be somewhere ...out with your girl... instead of being closed up in here with my woman?”

  “Hey man, we were just practicing, man. Ain't nothing to it.”

  “Hmm. Okay. Interesting. Uh, it didn't look anything like “just practice” to me. Looked a whole lot like someone was copping a feel.”

  “Hey, man. You view it however you want to regard it.”

  “Really? So…so now we are using big boy words, uh?” This punk was starting to get on his last nerve. Though they were about the same height, the kid was heavier and larger in muscle mass. But no matter, Eric knew he could take him anytime, anyplace.

  Eric chuckled, scratched his forehead and stepped closer to the boy. “Uh, look here, man. I don't give a fuck if you two were milking cows up on the Swiss Alps to sell to the nuns from the Sound of Music.”

  “What the f-? “Confusion flashed across young Nigel’s face in response to the stupidity that erupted from Eric’s mouth.

  “Just so you know, I know that you know, that I know what you're up to dawg and I can tell you that it won't work.

  Others have tried and have failed, my brother. And so will you. I've put too much time into her to have some-” he sized Nigel up nastily, “overgrown toddler like you come to meddle in grown folks business.”

  “Nigga, I don't know what you’re talking-”

  “She is too old for you and you are definitely too young for her. She is not interested in you.”

  “Look dawg-”

  “Now I'm only going to say this only once.” he took another step that brought him face to face with his rival. “Stay away from my woman. My. Woman. -”

  The bitch laughed, “Your woman? You make her sound like she is some prime piece of real estate. You don't own her, you know. And, last time I checked she is free and independent. Free to make her own decisions and choices.”

  “That's what you think, bitch” Noting the sudden rage in the kid's eyes, Eric readied himself for the onslaught of words or punches that would be thrown his way, however with the reappearance of Debbie, who was speaking on her cell phone to Makita- no doubt- the throw-down was placed on the back burner.

  “I'm ready, boo.” Walking towards the two warring lions, the prize never noted the tension straining between the two males.

  “Good baby. Did you get your purse? Cool, let's get going.” all the while he was speaking to Debbie- who was still on the phone with her chicken-head friend-he never took his eyes off the punk kid.

  Debbie grabbed his wrist, said, “Bye, Nigel” and walked off, pulling a smirking Eric behind her while she chatted a mile a minute.

  “Yeah, bye Nigel” he mimicked as he walked away.

  The veins that littered the back of his hands grew large with blood as Nigel made a fist to prevent him from attacking the piece of shit that stood before

  Like Medea once said in one of the many Tyler Perry shows, “People gone always call you names. It’s not what they call you that matters, it’s what you answer to that makes you who you are”.


  “What was that about earlier at the studio, Eric?” Debbie's voice broke through his thoughts as he drove her home.

  “What are you talking about babe?”

  Of course, he knew just what the bitch was talking about. Right now, he was a little pissed off.

  Once again, she had denied him his due, even after the expensive dinner reservations that were always hard to get, on any night at Carlino’s Restaurant; she still did not give in.

  Okay, a whole lot of pissed off, though she did do what she always did to placid him.

  True, his girl knew how to give a nigga head-seeing as he was the one who taught her- but the shit was getting old.

  Eric wanted and craved pussy daily and for four years now, Debbie had been playing hard to get, talking about waiting for the wedding night.

  But that was cool. Though he was frustrated with the whole damn thing, Eric always knew where, when and how to get himself some relief.

  The afternoon's past events rolled slowly through his mind, reminding him of the earth-shattering orgasm he’d receive from his unexpected visitor today...

  The woman walked into his office and blew his mind and balls away.

  The blood-red power suit she wore which made her latte colored skin glow, was skin tight and scandalously short.

  The matching red five-inch heels, short gloves, black cat-eye sunglasses, and a large, very expensive hat completed the outfit of the black debutante.

  The pearls in her ear and around her slim neck were real, along with the pearl bracelet on her slender wrist.

  Blood red lipstick and a light touch of makeup highlighted her high cheekbones and full pouty lips. She looked like a supermodel that just stepped of the cover of an 80’s Ebony magazine.

  All this plus her surname told him she was married to one super-rich basketball player who had fucked up once again with another fan hoe and was willing to shell out large amounts of money on his wife as compensation.