Dance With Me Page 17
Even more silence.
"Baby, Please open the door and let me in. You know I’d never do anything to hurt you. I love you. And even though you said that what I saw happen back there was real, we still need to talk.
Mausoleum silence.
Four rapid bangs followed on the oak panels of the front of Makita’s door. He’d got to Debbie’s apartment to look for her after his blow up at the corner store, but Kiki swore to him that Debbie was not home and suggested he go to Kita’s house to look for her.
Of course, Kiki had wanted to know what was going on, but he didn’t have the time.
Now he was here, banging on her best friend’s door.
Silence followed the shout.
"DEBBIE! Woman, you best open this door! We got to talk and we got to talk now!"
Even more dead silence.
"Debbie, if you don't open up this after I count to three...." the warning rang clearly through the lit hallway in which Eric stood, "I'll-"
"You'll do what?" came the angry retort as the front door was flung open on a very surprised Eric.
The tear-stained face of a very upset Makita in a red D -cup lacy push-up bra and red biker shorts above her short smooth legs occupied the doorway.
Her long red and black shoulder-length streaked hair free-flowing down her back, contrasting with her caramel-colored skin and her Asian facial features.
Her navel ring tinkled at him, drawing his eyes to her flat stomach, her flared hips and slim thighs.
The harsh sound of flesh striking flesh at a rapid pace could be heard coming from the back hall leading toward his mother’s bedroom.
Nigel had just arrived from a three-day architectural seminar in Chicago.
He had left as soon as the last presenter gave her speech because he was not feeling too well.
For a few weeks now he’d been a little under the weather.
Nausea had been his constant companion throughout the weekend and was riding hard, especially throughout the mornings.
Like this morning.
He’d had an Uber pick him up from the airport and drop him off at the house, so he did not see the white Chevy truck parked in his garage.
“Mama? I’m home.” He called out from the foyer of the house.
No response.
“Mama? Where you at?” Still, no response. It was way too late for her to be at the laundry-mat, so where the hell was she?
Walking towards the wing which housed her suite, Nigel was beyond shocked when he heard his mother moaning and crying out like was she was being hurt by...Harold?
He ran at the closed door to open, and threw his shoulder into it to force it open. What he heard and saw when the door flew open, scarred him for life
“What. The. Fuck?!!!”
Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap
“Whose pussy is this?”
She didn’t answer. He loved it when she defied him.
The Big man thrusting into her, was now hammering into her with his meaty weapon, making her moan even louder as she became even wetter from the assault.
Lucy loved how her lover treated her in bed. She was no delicate flower to be pampered with pretty words.
She was a nymphomaniac and demanded to be treated as such. So, she loved it wherever and whenever he manhandled her.
“I asked you a question. Whose. Pussy. Is. This. Bitch?”
Her pussy walls clenched down on his dick from cumming hard as she yelled “It’s yours, Daddy! All yours!”
“Umm. That’s right, bitch. Mine!” he growled into her neck as came deep inside her.
If she was not already pregnant, he was sure she would definitely be right now.
He was rolling his hips trying to wring all the cum out of his balls into her when by some force, her bedroom door flew open.
“What. The. Fuck?”
Nigel held onto the door for support. The urge to vomit was pressing down on him hard.
“Nigel…baby…It’s not what you think…”
Not what I think? There was a man on top his mother. What the fuck else could it be?
To make matters worse, the man who was ….on top of his mother was…?
Uncle Keith…
Uncle Keith… and his mother…?
Uncle Keith and his mother…were…fucking?
No wonder he thought it was his father he heard in here. Those two niggas sounded so much alike.
It was 1 p.m. and these two… were up in his house….fucking like rabbits?
After all the shit she went through with one brother to be sleeping with the other one?
How could this be?
How could he do this?!
How could she do this?!
“What in the actual fuck is going on here?!”
Keith quickly withdrew from Lucy’s sweet clinging wetness as they both scrabbled to sit up, pulling the bed covers around them to hide their nakedness.
He ignored his suddenly scandalized mother and focused all his attention on the bastard on the big bed with his mother, struggling not to pass out from nausea rolling around in his system.
“Why the fuck was you on top of my mama?”
“Boy, you better stop cussing around your mama. Have some respect. Or I'll have to beat some into you.”
“The fuck?! Nigga, why are you here?! In my house?! In my mama’s bed?!”
“Boy! I’m not going to say it again!”
Nigel took on a fighter’s stance and stared the big man down who is still in Lucy’s bed.
This nigga had the nerve to threaten him…in his house?
“Nigga, fuck you! This’s MY house! You don’t get to tell me what the fuck to do. You’re not fucking my daddy!”
Keith attempted to get off the bed but Lucy held on tight to his arm.
Nigel would beat the black off his ass. He just had to stand still while he did it.
“Malcolm Nigel Swayne the 2nd!” His mother called out, which meant she was past serious now and would kick his ass if he stepped one toe out of line.
“Don’t you ever talk to Keith that way or I’ll beat the black off your ass, even if this is YOUR house!”
“What?!” He took a few wobbly steps forward when Keith finally managed to get off the bed.
“And FYI, he IS your biological father... and I’m pregnant!”
Nigel blacked out.
One week later….
Standing in the doorway, was the most incredibly sensual and beautiful woman he’d ever seen wearing a mid-thigh-high large black football jersey dress that he had ever seen.
She took in his dark gray slacks, black loafers and snug fitted gunmetal gray shirt under his expensive black leather jacket.
His hair freshly washed and combed by some other woman. She was not happy about that.
“Is your sister home? She asked me to come by tonight”
“Uh…no. She isn’t. She hasn’t been home from classes yet.”
“Okay.” He sighed and turned to go. Her sweet voice stopped him in his tracks.
“She never said that you were coming over, but you could wait here for her.”
“Oh…Okay.” He hesitated. “Are you sure?”
She took a deep breath before answering. “Yes. Of course.”
They stood there staring at each other, taking in all they had missed about each other until she started fidgeting under his intense stare.
Opening the door wider, she indicated with her hand and asked: “Won’t you come in?”
“Yeah. Sure.” After a minute’s hesitation to her invite, he side-stepped into the apartment, avoided touching her as he came through the door, his broad back to her.
Feeling a little hurt by his action, she shut the door with a lot more force than was necessary. Looking back at her with raised eyebrows, s
he gave him a fake smile. “Can I have your coat?”
He handed it over to her as she walking past him in the living room area, she through over her shoulder, “Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable.”
As he sat, his eyes swept the living room area, taking in the new artwork and little knick-knacks that had been added to the room since the last time he was there. “Would you like something to drink?”
“Sure. A glass of water would be great”
“Cool. One glass of water coming up. As she walked away into the kitchen, her beautiful brown legs were very distracting to the man trying his very best to ignore the rush of feelings he had for this woman.
There was a new overstuffed tan sectional with an armchair and ottoman to match.
The worn-out shaggy rug where he had spilled his hot chocolate by accident on his first visit over to the apartment had been replaced with another tan shaggy rug to match the sofa.
The dining room set was also new along with the kitchen appliances and cabinet doors.
She was pissed beyond understanding. That he could stay this long away from her and have ignored her after pursuing her for so long, was disturbing to her.
But for him to come to her home and try to pretend like she had some sort of viral disease was more than she could take.
Yes, she was fickle, she knew it. But fickle women needed love too.
Walking back into the family room, she handed him a refreshing glass filled with ice-cold water and sat on the armchair facing him. He watched as she tucked her right foot under her and arranged the jersey as demurely as she possibly could.
He snuck another look at her as he downed the water. She was staring at him dead in the eyes.
Debbie was not too happy with him being there, after all, he thought.
Leaning forward, he placed the glass on the coffee table. Resting his elbows on his knees he interlocked his figures, showing his anxiety for being in the apartment alone with her.
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here?”
He was lucky she hadn’t put cyanide in his water.
“I’m sure. Why do you keep asking?”
“Because of what?”
“Because of ….our... History… together.”
Her derisive laughter sounded more like nails scratching on a chalkboard.
“What history, Nigel?” she asked innocently
“Last I knew, according to you Debbie, we never had a history, to begin with.”
The look on her face was all feigned surprise.
“You said that you and I never meant anything to each other or shared anything worthy enough to be considered a history together.”
“What are you talking about?” Again fake confusion.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about”
“Uh…no. I don’t”
“Really?” there was enough sarcasm in that one word to bury her alive.
“Yes really. That was all you. You said those things to me.
“Oh, riiight.” she gestured as if she forgot. ” I did say that.”
“Yes, you did.”
“My bad, my bad” her fake apology pissed him off.
“I still don’t see why you’re being here would be a problem for me. Do you think it would have anything to do with me betraying my little sister’s trust and love with you, her boyfriend? The same man that I set her up with?
With each statement she made, Nigel was getting ever more uncomfortable.
”Or is it that I betrayed the man that I was engaged to for four years. Could it be that I slept with you instead of him? Not once, not twice. But multiple times! “
Is she for real? “I was never interested in your sister, Debbie and you knew it.
Even she knew it, when you pushed her on me, thinking that she would keep me from you. She saw right through me. A miracle she never saw through you.”
“What the hell are you talking about? You have been dating my sister for eight months straight. You were sleeping with us both while you dated her!”
“I never touched your sister! Yes, we kissed a couple of times but we never slept together.”
“That’s a first.”
“The only person I ever slept with during that time was you and only you.”
“Ha! So you expect me to believe that? You were dating my sister for an entire year. A year. Nigel.”
“I just told you-“
She walked to the mantle, her back to him.
“True…we have slept together.” She heard him rise to his feet.
“You screwed me over, Nigel. We had the most beautiful nights together and you left me!”
“Have you lost fucking your mind?! You were the one to leave me! You think I would keep chasing you like a dog with a bone, after the way you treated me?”
What the hell was wrong with her?
“You know what?” He pointed at her, “I …I think I better leave before this…..argument gets really out of hand.” He headed to the door with determined strides.” She followed him intending to let him know just how she felt.
“That’s right Nigel. Go on. Runaway again like you did the last time we were together. Like a little bitch!
Just up and left me in my bed like some two-bit hoe whose services were no longer needed. ”
Nigel wheeled around on her.
“Are you fucking serious?!”
“I thought you said you loved me. You have a funny way of showing it.”
“Is this some sick game to you?! You ran out on me, left me in a hotel room our first night together. Our Wedding night! Not only once, but then you up and did the same thing the second time we slept together in a bed.
So I took the initiative and left before you could humiliate me any further!”
Her quick response to that was “So?” and that made him angry.
“So?! I’m a man Debbie! I have feelings too, you know!” He hit his chest to show how hurt he was. “You just can’t reject someone’s love for you over and over again and expect them to stick around.”
She sighed and reached out for him.
“Nigel I-“
“No! You are the one who said that you never wanted to see me again and that you wanted a divorce.
So I gave you your wish. What more do you want from me?”
The memory of being served with those papers had hurt him more than he could bear. He’d signed them and sent them back to her, no questions asked.
“Yes… it is true, that I have been a bitch to you and treated you like you were worthless. I’m sorry.”
He palmed his face as he considered her apology.
But she wouldn’t shut up
“You didn’t stay away from me like you promised you would.”
”What are you fucking talking about?!” he was past pissed off right now, he never realized that he had subconsciously advanced on her until he was directly in front of her.
“You were at that dance”
“What dance?”
“The ballroom charity showpiece at Kiki’s School that I performed in three months ago. You were staring at me. Eating me alive with your hungry eyes, that I could barely concentrate.”
“That was my fraternity dance!”
“Whatever! The point is you were there. You promised to stay away from me, but you lied. You forced your presence on me, in my head, in my heart. ”
“I have never forced my love or myself on you. Seduced you, yes. Our bodies have danced in between sheets together. “
“But I’ve never forced you! You knew what was happening that first night at my house as well the other times we’ve been together!
“And that’s the problem we should solve right here, right now. Sit the fuck down!”
Where the fuck was this crazy-ass woman going with this argument?
“Kiki didn’t call you. I did. I pretended to be her to get you here. Now that yo
u’re here, you’re going to sit down and listen to what I have to say. And then you can decide if you want out of my life for good.”
They stared each other down, till he decided to hear her out. Not like he had a choice. Debbie had bolted the door shut and pocketed the key.
Nigel threw himself on the sofa, anger pouring out of him in waves.
What other lies and made up fantasies could she have to say that would surpass this bullshit confrontation.
Debbie knew she was messing things up, with her pregnancy this far advanced, her concentration was not what it used to be.
With determined strides, she stood in from of him and said what needed to be said, “I’m pregnant”
Nigel laughed at her like it was some sort of joke. Definitely not what she was expecting.
So she pulled off her house shirt, the roundness of her bump stood out in contrast to her heavily rounded hips and heavy breasts.
All laughter died a horrible death in his throat.
His throat dried up that he could not swallow if he tried. He already knew.
From the morning sickness that seems to plague him and the sudden crazy cravings for foods he hardly ever ate.
This woman would be the death of his very short, very young life, he thought.
Staring at her body, he could see how the pregnancy had made slight delicious changes to her gorgeous body.
“You may not want me anymore, but your kids need you, in their life.”
Kids? Multiples? He made a strangled sound in his throat at the thought. Was she that far along to even tell there was more than one baby?
Shit, he shouldn’t be surprised. Twins ran rampant in his family. So did drama.
Not too long ago, he learned that the man he grew up knowing as his father was not his biological sperm donor. His identical twin was.
And now his mother was once again knocked up by the nigga. Who was also experiencing his share of pregnancy symptoms?
His. Life. Fucking. Sucked.
“I’m sorry I’ve treated you like you were not worthy of a woman like me. The truth is I am the one not worthy of a man like you.
“No, let me finish. You’ve said your piece, now let me say mine.”
He nodded, asking her to continue
“You may be able to stay away from me, but I can’t. I just can’t fucking stay away from you. I thought you were too young for me. I thought that you were a child in a man’s body that I could use for my pleasure and move on with my life when I got married.