Dance With Me Page 18
But then, after you left that morning, I realized how stupid and fickle I was when it comes to true love. But even fickle women need love too” her voice cracked with honest emotions.
A strangled sob escaped from Nigel as he didn’t try to check the tears that were leaking freely down his face.
She knelt before him in all her naked glory. Holding his hands in hers, staring deep into his soul she confessed her thoughts and feelings openly to him.
“I was so wrapped up in being Mrs. Eric Jackson that I was willing to ignore his unfaithfulness throughout our “situation ship”
I always thought that I had loved him, I was just not in love with him. I never was, to be honest.
I said that I betrayed my sister and my fiancé with you, but I've come to realize I betrayed the man that I love for appearances. I know you and Kiki are still dating but I’m asking… no begging you to give us one more chance.
Give us a chance so I can prove my love for you to you”
He bowed his head. “Debbie-”
Now her tears were running freely down her face as well.
“Please Nigel, please. I love you and I cannot….cannot be without you. I don’t care who gets hurt nor do I care what other people have to say. Just please give us a chance for happiness.”
The kiss was gentle at first.
He feared she’d reject him once again.
Filled with hurt, love and want for the woman he loved, he wrapped his arms around her growing waistline, he pulled her as close as he could and deepened the kiss.
Debbie instantly melted into him as she gave her love and want back to him.
The fact that she’d run him out of her life too many times to count didn’t matter. She loved him and that was that mattered to her.
No matter how long it took, she would do right by him.
Once, not too long, he’d professed his love to her however she’d rejected that love. Now, more than anything, she wanted that love to wash her anew.
Breaking their tender kiss, she gazed deep into his golden orbs and confessed her deepest and darkest secret to him.
“I’m a troubled soul, Nigel. Help me to heal with your love. You are priceless to me.”
They came together on the sofa in a rush of fervent heat and lust, their combined moans filling the apartment with their lovemaking.
After the first round, both panting and breathless she said,
“And FYI…the last time I checked… we are still legally married.”
“I never returned those documents to my lawyer. I burned them on my stovetop.”
Nigel's wild thrusts drove her to another climax as he reveled in his happiness inside her body.
As he filled her up with his seed, she filled him up with her love.
Hours later, when Kidadha walked into the front door via her spare key, she never expected to see her estranged ex’s bare ass as he thrust softly into her equally naked and heavily pregnant sister on the kitchen counter facing the front door.
Debbie gently pushed Nigel away to reach out to her sister trying to explain their compromising situation, while a silent Nigel gathered their clothing from around the room, but Kiki was not having any of it.
She slapped Debbie so she hard, she fell to her knees and rushed out of the apartment while Nigel helped Debbie to her feet.
Blinded by her burning tears and rage, she ran out of the apartment into the middle of the street only to be caught up in the headlights of the car racing at high speed towards her.
It was only by sheer dumb luck, that she fell backward to avoid being hit by the moving death trap.
She screamed as the wet asphalt rushed up to meet her, rendering her unconscious, the tires of the car squealing in protest as her attacker sped off the crime scene.
Her hand shook as she touched Kidadha’s bruised up face, smoothing away any signs of pain from the cuts and scratches all over her body.
Debbie could not stop crying.
How could anyone do this? She’d asked Nigel the night of the accident, as she sobbed into his shirt while he held her tightly.
Nigel had been the one to hear Kiki’s blood curling scream and had rushed out of the apartment half-naked in time to see the tail lights of an unknown car.
But he’d seen the silhouette of Kiki’s attacker and the attacker had seen him.
To make sure Nigel knew who was he was, Nigel found another message taped around another brick that was thrown at Kiki when she fell.
The message read “Got your bitch, BITCH!”
Now the police had an APB out for Harold’s ass.
Kiki had been lying in the hospital with multiple lacerations to her arms and a twisted ankle.
Currently, he was holding on to Debbie as she held on to Kiki’s hand, crying. She was pleading with her sister to wake up.
The sudden whoosh of the ward door had them looking up to see Makita rushing in towards the hospital bed, Eric walking in at a much slower pace.
“Oh, Kita!” Debbie sobbed softly as Makita embraced her, taking her away from Nigel.
“She won’t wake up. I’ve begged, pleaded even threatened her to wake up so I can ask for her forgiveness.”
Eric and Nigel stood at the opposite ends of the bed in a staredown. They were both wondering what each other were doing there?
Debbie had confessed to Nigel that she had officially called off the wedding with Eric two months prior while she tried to piece together her mental state after she found out she was pregnant with his twins. So why was this nigga here? Not for Debbie.
Nigel had also confessed that he and Kiki were never officially an item. That they’d broken up two nights before he seduced Debbie in his house that Saturday night.
He even told her what happened at the dinner date Kiki had set up and what was said as well. That’s what they were doing minutes before Kiki walked in on them getting busy.
Debbie had bitten him even harder than the last time for not telling her.
Eric was trying to figure out why was this little punk was here?
Then he recalled the nigga was supposed to be dating Kiki. But why was he holding Debbie so intimately?
“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. Kiki’s strong. You know that. ” Makita breathed into her hair.
“That’s the same thing I’ve been telling her for the last two days.” Nigel sighed.
Makita nodded in acknowledgment. “He’s right honey. And don’t forget you can't stress yourself out. It's not good for the baby.”
“Babies” both Nigel and Debbie responded automatically.
“Oh!” Makita’s hand flew to her face in surprise. “Congratulations you two-Oh Shit!”
“The fuck?!” Eric yelled, which caused Kiki to stir from her drug-induced sleep.
“What the fuck is going on?” he and Kiki asked simultaneously.
“What…What…Water” Kiki begged. Her throat was so parched. She was a heavy sleeper and the drugs made it worse.
Debbie handed her a newly opened bottle of water which she drank with gusto.
The silence that followed the exit of Doctor Kevin Martin’s examination of Kiki, before the end of his shift was heavy and pressing down on all the occupants of the room.
Kiki had awakened the night before on an adrenaline high from her coma, thinking she was still being attacked which spiked the machine attached to her into a frenzy.
Nigel and Debbie had been pushed out during the examination the night of the accident. They’d gone to the hospital’s cafeteria, after being assured by Dr. Martin that Kiki was recovering nicely.
The next morning during her examination with only the doctor, He’d told her why she was in the hospital recovering. Of her sister’s vigil at her bedside.
It didn’t take Kiki long to pour out all her hurt and confusion onto the good doctor’s shoulders. And while doing so, something strange happened.
Though Kiki fe
lt like a giant bleeding bruise, she couldn’t help notice that Kevin- he’d asked her to call him by his first name-the handsome doctor seemed to have a permanent blush as his blue eyes kept straying from her face to her braless chest while he conducted his examination of her.
He was sitting on the bed with her and blushed every time his fingers came in contact with her warm skin, a brunette lock of hair escaped his combed back haircut, making him ultra-sexy hanging over his left brow. Their close proximity made their attraction of each other quite obvious.
She also noticed he was not wearing a wedding band on his bronze left hand when he placed the stethoscope beneath her heavy left breast, asking her to take a deep breath in and releasing it slowly.
Yes, he was much older than her and could have been her father in age, but at the moment, Kiki was trying desperately to not rub her thighs together due to his muscular youthful looks.
Her attraction to the older man was instantaneous.
Though most people thought she was a slut, Kiki was as pure as the white paper gown she was wearing.
His eyes seemed to be permanently glued to her chest causing her nipples to stiffen and push against the flimsy, see-through hospital gown when he placed the device at the open back of the gown and asked her to cough twice.
They’d had enough small talk to kill a raccoon while he tried to justify why he was still in her private room long after his initial examination was complete of her.
Doctor Kevin was struggling not to give in to his urges to press the young woman down on the bed and ravish her.
The sudden scent of her wet arousal filled his nose as she pressed her thighs together.
He was close enough to have heard the wet squishy sound her nether lips made when her thighs came together.
This close to her clean warm caramel skin, her long loose curls framed her face so delicately, her pink full lips and light hazel eyes with silver flecks called out to him.
His lust for her was bordering on out of control.
Yes, she was much younger than him, but from the night he first laid eyes on her, he had been nursing a hard-on for her.
With the whoosh of the open door to admit the nurse, the good doctor made his escape to his private bathroom in his office.
Stroking himself to frenzy, the thirty-seven-year-old came hard and fast, thinking about the black beauty lying in a bed at his hospital.
Kiki had ridden her fingers eagerly in the shower, her second for the morning, after the nurse left her to do her business, picturing the good doctor eating her out on the hospital bed.
She then had the rest of the morning to rest and think.
When Deborah and Nigel came into her room sometime after dinner she was not awake to see the haggard look of her sister.
Debbie stood there, tears staining her face. Nigel looked very unhappy to be there, but he was here none the less.
Eric’s outburst had awakened her out of a weird dream where she was being run over but somehow Doctor Kevin was the one running her over, just in a sexual way.
Now with all the players of the game here, capping the empty bottle Kiki decided to get some answers to her questions.
“Is she the reason why you never fucked me?”
In a way, Kiki’s directness was so much like Debbie’s, which made this situation very uncomfortable.
“Kiki…. I'm sorry-“Debbie started apologizing.
“The girl asked you a question, Nigga!” Eric took a step forward.
“Eric, behave!” Makita placed her palm on his chest to hold him back.
Nigel, never one to back down from a challenge, pulled Debbie back into his arms, as he responded, “Yes. You or anyone else. Ever.”
“I knew it! I knew something fishy was goin' on with you two from the get-go!” Eric pressed forward.
“We never meant to hurt you. Either of you.” Debbie reached for her hand. “I was stupid and tried to hide my feelings-“
“And your pregnancy” Kiki pulled her hand away.
“-for Nigel from everyone. That’s the only reason I begged you to date him. I’m sorry things turned out this way.”
“Do you know how fucked up that is? !You set your sister up to date the guy you have feelings for?!
God! I even tried to get him back because you looked so sad for months and I thought you knew we broke up, only to have him turn me down! Guess I was not the only one hiding from the truth!”
“So you’ve been fucking this punk all this time and never told me?” Eric was now in striking distance of the couple.
“Eric, please stop! This isn’t about you!” Makita was trying to keep the peace.
“Yes, it is! I’m part and parcel of this freak show!”
Makita reared back. ”The fuck does that mean?!”
“It means he wants an explanation of how the fuck we all got so mixed up in this mess.” Nigel responded.
He was now standing in front of Debbie in a protective and aggresive stance. No one was hurting his wife and the mother of his children, not while he was alive and kicking.
“Exactly” Kiki called out from the bed. “And please don’t leave anything out!”
Nigel looked back at Debbie who was clutching her hands and still crying silently.
“Alright. You all know how Debbie and I met. Take all the time we were spending together. Add up her missing out on dates with you-" he indicated to Eric with his chin, " For as many days between then and now and you get the current picture.”
“Not exactly.” Debbie spoke up “We’re…mar-“
“They’re married.”
The shocked looks on Eric’s and Kiki’s faces didn’t match the nonplused look of Kita’s as they both faced her.
“The fuck you say?” Eric shouted
“You knew?!” Kiki accused her
“Yes,” she mumbled quietly.
“And you didn’t see it fit, to fucking tell me?! I asked you if you knew why Debbie was ignoring me and you fucking lied to my face!” Eric was truly livid now.
“The same way she didn’t see it fit to tell me that she knew you were screwing half the fucking world while we were together!” Debbie said, no longer crying. Now she was glaring daggers at Eric.
“What?” Eric sputtered
“You think I didn’t know what or more like who you were doing all through college and even up to a few months ago? I knew, Eric. I have always known.”
“That’s…. This is not-“
“Oh shut up Eric. We both cheated on each other, only I never intended to hurt my sister in the process. And I know you slept with Kita. Don’t try to pretend like it isn’t true.”
“Hot damn” Nigel smirked.
Makita turned away to hide her red cheeks in her hands, while Eric placed a protective hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer subconsciously.
Kiki, Nigel, and Debbie noticed how he looked down at her with a tender look that spoke more than his words.
“Enjoyed my gift I see.” It was Debbie’s turn to smirk.
“Looks like everybody’s fucking everybody, except me.”
“Kiki please.” Debbie reached for her hand. This time she didn’t pull away.
“How long has this been going on and how far along are you?”
Debbie took a deep breath.
“Eight months,” Nigel responded. “We’ve been married for eight months.”
“Since when?!” Eric asked
“Eric,” Debbie said cautiously “You just fucked your ex-fiancé’s virgin best friend and raw at that I’m sure.”
“Debbie?!”Makita squeaked out, scandalized by her language.
“And you’re married to and was knocked up by your sister’s teenage ex-boyfriend.”
“That does not make it better,” Kiki said
“I would tread very carefully if I were you, Mr. Jackson.” Nigel took a step towards him that
brought him almost face to face with Eric.
“Good to know you know that I'm the man here and not you.”
Eric stood toe to toe once again with this dude. He’d pushed Kita behind him
“Nigel’s more man than you, asshole,” Debbie said
“The fuck he is!”
“At least he knows how to keep his dick in his pants,” Makita muttered.
“Kita?!”Eric whipped around so fast with disbelief written all over his face, all the fight went out of him.
“What? I only spoke the truth.”
“I know who you are Eric. Still, I stupidly love you.”
“Aww. Baby, I love you too. And I promise you are it for me. My one and only.” Eric kissed her sweetly, seemingly forgetting the others in the room.
This woman had made him want to change his ways for her. For two nights they were held up in her apartment, fucking like rabbits.
True, she had cussed him out when he pushed his way into her apartment.
She proceeded to upbraid him like a child which pushed his already simmering anger over the edge.
They’d come together like fire and gasoline.
The explosion of high running emotions and raging passion brought on lots of clothes tearing and urgent coupling.
The hard ripping of her hymen brought on her first of many screams throughout the night, but that didn’t stop them from fucking themselves to exhaustion.
By the next morning, she confessed her love for him and he had surprised her by his suppressed feelings for her.
Explaining his unrequited love for her drove him into the arms of many women, including her best friend.
“Ew,” Kiki said even as Nigel went to pull Debbie to his side. There was no need to square up with Eric.
The nigga currently had hurt feelings. He understood that. Now that Debbie was all his, he could not care less what the dude did.
Eric turned back toward the others and stuck his tongue at them. ”See, she loves me”
“I said stupidly. I stupidly love you.”