Dance With Me Page 19
“Good luck taming him,” Debbie said sincerely
“Thanks” Kita replied sarcastically.
“Back to my questions. How far along are you?”
“Five months now,” Debbie responded this time. “They’re twins.”
“Twins!” Kiki’s face melted at the word. She slapped her sister’s hands hard. “And you waited till I almost got killed to tell me?! She shouted at her.
“I’m sorry. I was going to tell you that three nights ago, but…things got out of hand.”
“Obviously, ”Kiki said sarcastically “From everything that happened that night, I can see why.”
“How did you end up being involved in a hit and run in front of you guys’ house anyway?” Kita asked perplexed, still holding onto Eric. He just wouldn’t stop touching her.
“I thought that the neighborhood was supposed to be safe?” Eric said.
“It is,” Debbie responded. “What had happened was-“
“I walked in on these two fucking on the kitchen counter. I was so shocked I ran from the apartment into oncoming traffic.”
“Actually-“Nigel began
“Oh. My. Gawd” Kita said.
“The fuck?” Eric asked.
Nigel’s cell phone chose that moment to ring. He excused himself to take the call, seeing his uncle’s ….father’s name flash on the screen.
“It was not like that” Debbie tried to defend them as he stepped into the hall with the phone to his ear.
“Are you saying I'm lying?”
“Ok. It was like that, but we never meant for you to see us… like that. And to make it worse you got hurt because of us.”
“Actually, that isn’t right.” Nigel had stepped back into the room.
He’d ended the call with Keith, promising to call him back.
“It was no accident. It was deliberate.”
Kita and Kiki gasped, Eric asked, “What do you mean?”
“Just what I said. My father….uncle. He is my uncle. He tried to kill you. He’s been stalking me for some time now, threatening to hurt me and mine. He mistook you for Debbie and tried to kill you.”
“Why would he do that? “Kiki asked
“The same reason you wanted to date me again after you found out how much I’m worth.”
“Yeah. Oh.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Eric asked
Debbie sighed. Makita took her phone and pulled up google.
“Eric Jackson meet Malcolme Nigel Swayne the 2nd.”
Eric laughed heartily at the biggest lie he ever heard. When no one else was laughing too, he asked, “This is a joke right?”
“Not at all.”
“Nah Ah”
Eric looked perplexedly at young Nigel. “You…you guys are telling me this …kid-“he indicated to the young man.” –is Malcolme Swayne? The heir to the Swayne Enterprises?!” he gave a nervous laugh when Makita handed him her phone with the Wikipedia page of Swayne Enterprises.
A small replica of the young man holding hands with his ex-fiancé was staring back at him from the phone screen.
The fucking bastard was richer than Eric’s entire family.
“No. This is not true” Eric’s denial was heard by everyone in the room.
Fuck that, this kid was Beyoncé rich.
Eric gulped, wanting to strangle the little fucker.
“Imagine how I felt when I found out who knocked me up.”
“She slapped me. Twice.” Nigel chuckled
“I almost had a stroke when I came across his file at our office. I called Debbie immediately.”
Makita was a lawyer striving for a partnership at Steelman & Associates. She was the one who helped Debbie serve Nigel those divorce papers, which Debbie burnt long before Kita discovered who he was.
“Why exactly does he want to hurt Debbie?” he asked as
Nigel laid an open palm onto Debbie’s baby bump and lovingly stroked it.
“I have legitimate heirs now. Their death, followed by mine would revert my share of the multi-millionaire company my grandfather built with his bare hands back to the original heirs in his old will. This can only happen if I died any time after my eighteenth birthday.
“We need to catch this bastard, man”
“I couldn’t agree more. And when I get my hands on him. He’s a dead man.”
The group never noticed the man in the scrubs and face mask standing outstand the door, eavesdropping on the conversation.
Almost killed the wrong bitch. It didn’t matter. He would get them both. Anyone else who stood in his way would be swimming with the fishes, just like his fucking lawyer and that stupid estate manager his bastard of a father had hired before his death, to keep Harold from his money.
The glass top of the coffee table cracked beneath the sudden heavyweight as a massive body crashed into it from a body slam.
Attempting to rise quickly to his feet, his young face swollen and bloody, Nigel knew he was fighting for his life. Harold rushed him again, driving him back into the post of the doorway.
The shock of the impact rocked through his spine and a pain-filled roar was ripped from his burning chest. Slowly he sank to his knees as the man he once thought of as his father plummeted him with heavy blows directly to his face.
The bastard had taken him by surprise
Harold had been seen fleeing over the state lines into Canada not too long after the attempted the hit and run.
Kidadha was currently living on her own after being out of the hospital a month ago.
Debbie had agreed to move in fully with him at his house after walking on Kiki gyrating her hips beneath Kevin, her MD. The good doctor was rapidly thrusting home into the tightness of the girl begging him to make her his.
She’d cried out when he broke through her hymen and was furiously fucking his seed into her virgin womb when Debbie opened the front door to the apartment.
After much screaming of “Get the fuck out!” and Debbie’s fit of laughter, the sisters agreed that the small family home could no longer be shared between them anymore. They each needed their space.
His mother had been more than thrilled to meet her young son’s wife. Though Debbie was older than him, she understood that Nigel had a man’s mind from a child. And whatever he set his mind to, he committed.
Hours after he and Debbie had fallen asleep in his California King-sized bed from another night filled with pleasure, Debbie shook him awake, telling him of the crash she’s heard from downstairs.
Thinking his Mother and Uncle Keith were probably doing the nasty in the kitchen and was scaring Debbie, he’d almost blacked out when the rat bastard hit from behind with one of the large ginger jars from the cover of the piano.
He’d rolled down the stairs, landing on his side.
The large fucker had laid into him then for a good ten minutes, with a pair of brass knuckles on each hand till he was bleeding his life away on the white tiles in the foyer of his house.
Harold never heard soft footfalls on the landing behind him, nor did he hear the sudden whoosh of air resulting in the rise and fall of the metal bat as it crashed down on his back and sides.
A shocked man’s scream echoed through the rammed sacked living room. Not a word was spoken as the rapid fall of the bat made constant contact with his burning flesh and spine.
He rolled off the boy where he had fallen, onto his back and threw an arm across his head as he tried to see who he had to protect himself from.
The bat rose and fell on his legs and the aching sides of his thighs. A sickening crunch followed by another was heard as both his knee caps were shattered, leaving the now screaming man unprotected from his attacker.
The bat rose once again and this time he drew both his arms over his head as it fell.
His right elbow shattered, then his left
, both arms lay helplessly across his face. Harold now knew he was done for, dead at the hands of his tormentor.
Nigel lay quietly on the floor as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing; the handle of a metal bat was firmly grasped by the small hands of a pregnant Lucy as she delivered the beating of a lifetime to the dickless bastard who had physically and emotionally abused her for so many years of her life.
As the blows continued to reign down on his stomach breaking ribs and causing internal bleeding, he knew he would finally pay for his crimes.
From the force of the blows, he figured that it was a man delivering the punishing hits. He won't be surprised if it was his brother.
He’d tried to kill the little upstart prick for so long and now he was going to have his revenge.
Cold metal touched his now numb skin and pushed his useless hands away from his head, exposing his wet face. From above him the base of the bat knocked painfully on the side of his head to gain his attention.
Harold looked up wanting to investigate the face of the man who would smash his brains out his head and got the shock of his evil life.
The bat was raised and brought down with such force that it broke Harold's nose and spilled his upper lip wide open.
That bitch was once again carrying the bastard seed of his brother.
No! It can't be! But it was.
As Harold coughed up blood from his internal bleeding, Lucy gave him a look he understood, a look he'd given her every time he'd tried to beat her senseless for her betrayal, every time he kicked the boy because he was a fucking constant reminder of said betrayal, when he'd tried to kill Keith with his own golf club a week ago and now this bitch was putting the hurting on him.
But this was no ordinary bitch.
Uh-uh, this was the queen of bitches.
Fear coursed throw the broken body of the man who was used to abusing so many people in his lifetime, as the tiny slip of a woman, her extended stomach jotting out obscenely made him the promise of a lifetime, in a cool calm and collected tone he'd heard many, many times from the boy " You ever touch him again and I will kill you."
The bat slung once more and landed with a thwack as Harold Edward Swayne slipped into a coma and never regained consciousness.
"And the Lord said!" Pastor Tim Scotson paused for emphasis as the Jerome Michaels cued in with the organ thyme song, 'He who shall believe...Shall be delivered!"
The pianist played a sweet lively melody causing thirty men and women of the Divine choir to rush to their feet and sing out "Glory!!!"
The entire congregation of the United Baptist Church shouted "Amen!” showering the Lord God with praise. Some of the spirit-filled elderly sisters in the first three rows- who still could- got up and danced to the music while singing out soul-filled tunes to match the choir.
It didn't take long for most of the church's congregation to get up off their feet and danced around until the pastor had to almost shout them down to be heard.
It was obvious to Nigel that being in that church that Sunday morning was better than being anywhere else now. He smiled and sang along to the beautiful traditional and nontraditional Gospel hymns that were sung.
And as the Pastor went to preach the end of his lively sermon, he prayed for those persons out walking past the church's courtyard, in the communities beyond the church, the people of the world and especially for the lost souls sitting in the church's congregation.
Nigel felt a tingling sensational start at the base of his neck as he took a deep breath and the word of God into his heart and mind, traveled ever so slowly down his spine.
Nigel didn't know what was going on, but it felt good.
Everything he ever wanted in life was finally his. His mother was happily married to the man of her heart and Nigel had remarried his true love right here in this very church, two weeks ago, giving Debbie the fairytale wedding she always wanted with the right man.
At the large reception at the Plaza hotel, they danced their first official dance to the first song that all their magical moments were created around.
Their first kiss, his claiming of her body their first night as a wedded couple. Now, as they started a new chapter in their lives.
Pastor Scotson invited the choir to sing one of the church members' all-time favorites.
"Total Praise" by Richard Smallwood, he felt a heatwave crash into the center of his back and spread across his shoulder blades.
By the time the chorus came around Nigel was on fire and breathing heavily. Each word of the song pierced the black gloom that surrounded him with sharp rays of light. He felt like he was drowning in the Holy Spirit.
The combined voice filled him with a force so powerful that by how the sopranos were belting away he had staggered to his feet, gripping the back of the bench where his mother sat in front of him as tears ran down his handsome face.
He took a deep breath and softly but sang the words that shook him to the core. From far off he heard the shrill of the organ following his notes key after key, his rich deep voice took on a tremor as he sang the chorus.
When his mother shifted around and looked up at him, a loud gasp escaped her mouth and tears filled her beautiful lavender eyes.
By then the entire church, along with the young woman holding a sleeping baby girl, one of a beautiful pair of identical twins, as the baby boy to the set was held by her sister seating on the bench directly across from his seat was gaping in wonder.
There he stood Malcolme Nigel Swayne II, belting out a song that most men could not sing with such a deep baritone. He stopped to catch his breath and to collect his thoughts as he was overwhelmed with feelings.
The church was tomb silent when the choir took up that fame "Amen" bridge and sang like it was the last day on earth and did a gospel medley of soul-saving tunes so spirit-filled that one would be dead to not be affected by.
Oh, Lord! Did that not cause more tears to flow like a rushing river and the congregation watched as the young man was embraced by his beaming Father and his baby-toting', tear-stained face mother.
But what got the crowd even more joyful and praising Jesus at a fever pitch was seeing that young man step out of his seat, into the long aisle and crossed over to the beautiful young woman with the sleeping baby.
Upon reaching the beautiful angel in the white pantsuit he took the baby from her arms ever so gently and past it onto his younger brother sitting next to the young women and pulled the woman whom meant more to him than his own life into his arms and whispered to her how much he loved and thanked her for bringing him back to God, dancing with her forever.
The End.
Lexus Love is a wife and has an established career in customer service. Hailing from the beautiful island of St. Lucia, the Helen of the West Indies, her hobbies are writing, reading and watching African movies. She lives at home with her husband and pet cats.